What To Do If Squats Hurt Your Knees


Are you experiencing knee pain while doing squats? Don't worry, you're not alone. Let's explore some solutions to help you continue your squat journey pain-free.


First, make sure your form is correct. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly pointed out, and your knees aligned with your toes. This will help distribute the weight evenly and reduce strain on your knees.


If your knees still hurt, try using a resistance band. Place it just above your knees and push your knees out against the band as you squat. This will activate your glutes and take some pressure off your knees.


Another option is to decrease the depth of your squat. Instead of going all the way down, stop at a point where your knees don't hurt. As you build strength, you can gradually increase the depth.


You can also try using a squat pad or a towel to cushion your knees. This will provide some extra support and reduce the impact on your joints.


If none of these solutions work, it's important to consult a professional. A physical therapist or personal trainer can assess your form and provide personalized exercises to strengthen your knees.


In the meantime, you can still work on your lower body by incorporating other exercises such as lunges, leg presses, and deadlifts. This will help maintain your strength and prevent muscle imbalances.


Remember to listen to your body and take breaks when needed. Pushing through the pain can lead to further injury. It's better to take a break and come back stronger than to risk long-term damage.


Lastly, don't forget to stretch and foam roll your legs after your workout. This will help release any tension and improve flexibility, reducing the risk of knee pain.


With these tips, you can continue to squat without worrying about knee pain. Remember to prioritize proper form, use resistance bands or pads if needed, and seek professional help if the pain persists. Keep pushing towards your fitness goals, one squat at a time.